Tag Archives: Phones Vs Cameras

Do The Latest Mobile Phones contain Camera Winners?

There’s no doubt that the cameras in mobile phones get better with each new iteration, whether from Apple or the Android providers but are they camera winners? Like many, I watch each new product rumour and launch with eager anticipation. (I have always used iPhones so what Apple does is of particular interest.)

The results the latest phones can produce are truly remarkable. Combined hardware and software advances are today producing camera phone images of a quality that could only be dreamt of a few years back.

Nevertheless, I find there is always a dilemma. Getting the latest and best camera in a mobile phone comes with a hefty price tag of circa £1,000.

Right now that amount of cash will buy a small dedicated camera with a bigger sensor and a better lens. In other words, the best camera you can fit in your pocket is not a mobile phone (yet). On the other hand, it’s a camera and doesn’t do texts, emails and phone calls.

Therefore, to my mind whether or not the phone camera is a ‘winner’ comes down to two things. The first is what you want to use your images for. The second is whether or not you are happy to carry a small dedicated, and pocketable, camera with you ‘at all times’ as well as your phone.

Food for thought?